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Normal Baru Berbisnis Kopi Premium Dengan Modal Ringan. Ini Infonya

 Aroma kopi yang nikmat dan premium coffee tidak selalu ada di CafĂ© mewah atau Kedai Kopi. Gara-gara COVID-19 yang diakibatkan oleh wabah virus Corona tentu suasana Mall favorit terasa agak ngeri-ngeri, sehingga segan rasanya untuk ngopi di salah satu gerai kopi seperti di masa lalu. 

Pebisnis coffee shop di hotel, mall dan ruko sepi pengunjung yang bisanya ramai oleh para pelanggan lama dan baru. Bisnis mereka masih tertolong karena ada pesanan secara online dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi di smartphone. Banyak di antara kita yang memesan black coffee, cappuccino, caffe latte atau Kopi Gula Aren dengan cara online. 

                              Apakah sudah rindu ngopi di Kedai Kopi favorit? (

Namun ada perbedaan suasana dan rasa yang mungkin berbeda di alam bawah sadar kita karena kopi pesanan itu harus melalui perjalanan beberapa menit dari gerai kopi, meskipun itu dekat dari rumah atau tempat kos kita. Tentu lebih cozy dan afdol kalau bisa menyeruput kopi sambil ngobrol ngolor ngidul tentang berbagai isu politik, bisnis, PDKT dengan orang yang kita taksir atau hebohnya bergosip sambil arisan, juga reunian dengan teman SMA, TK atau mantan teman kerja di kantor lama. 

Saat ini sudah terjadi krisis ekonomi di berbagai negara. Mungkin banyak di antara kita yang agak turun kasta karena penghasilan menurun, sehingga lifestyle pun tidak segaya dulu lagi. Rasanya kok ngenes ya karena jumlah rupiah, dollar di rekening bank atau crypto di account kita kok menurun ya. Ini semua gara-gara Corona virus inio, sehingga hidup terasa agak ngilu dan mungkin sangat menyebalkan. Namun orang Tionghoa patut bersyukur dengan karakter yang ada pada kata Krisis, yaitu ada karakter peluang di selain krisis. 

Kalau anda bukan keturunan Tionghoa, kita pun perlu memaknai krisis dengan cara pandang optimis karena selalu ada peluang untuk memulai hidup baru yang lebih menggairahkan seperti harumnya aroma kopi premium. 

Jika belakangan ini selalu menjadi konsumen kopi secara online, maka dengan kecanggihan teknologi kita bisa start a new business, yaitu berbisnis kopi bubuk premium. Yang paling penting kopi ini asli Indonesia berasal dari salah satu wilayah Nusantara, yaitu di Jawa Tengah, tepatnya dari daerah Temanggung yang indah. 

                                 Anda bisa jadi Coffee Reseller Kopi Premium ini dengan modal ringan 

Kopi Temanggung dikelola oleh para petani kopi yang sudah memahami cara tanam kopi yang nantinya akan menghasilkan cita rasa kopi sejati Nusantara yang berhak dinikmati warga +62 dengan harga terjangkau. Nah, dibalik aroma kopi Temanggung ini ada peluang bisnis untuk menjadi Coffee Reseller. Jaman now adalah eranya kolaborasi, bukan bersaing antar teman. 

Anda bisa memaksimalkan smartphone dan tentu saja media sosial untuk menjadi seorang Coffee Reseller. Daripada menggerutu dan nyinyir terhadap situasi yang ada, yuk mulai bisnis dengan modal kecil. Tidak perlu pergi ke Bank untuk meminjam kredit, apalagi menjadikan rumah kita atau rumah mertua sebagai agunan. 

Memulai bisnis kopi tidak harus mengeluarkan modal besar. Yang penting kita punya teman pemasok kopi bubuk, misalnya Kopi OKE yang bisa dihubungi dengan mudah. Anda tidak perlu menyewa gudang untuk menyimpan stok kopi gurih dan segar ini. 

Yuk kontak saja lewat video call atau kirim message via WA ke nomor 0813 2981 0234. 

Siapakah dia? Ketika anda menghubungi dia anda akan mendapatkan nama lengkapnya. Kata kuncinya adalah anda bilang MASUK PAK EKO. Nah, dia pasti langsung faham bahwa anda akan memesan aneka kopi untuk konsumsi sambil stay at home atau working at home, dan silahkan negosiasi untuk menjadi Coffee Reseller

Cara menjadi pebisnis kopi bubuk ini nantinya anda bisa membuka gerai online di aplikasi tokopedia, bukalapak atau memaksimalkan WA group yang biasanya ramai dengan perbincangan Virus Corona, gosip politik dan video lucu. Nah sesekali ajak teman-teman memesan kopi melalui anda. Pasti banyak pecinta kopi sejati di group WA anda. Trust me lah. 

Informasi lengkap pasti anda dapatkan melalui nomor di atas. 

Nah, sebelum anda menghubungi nomor WA di atas, yuk saksikan dulu keseruan para Coffee Lovers yang ada di tayangan ini. 

Yuk mulai berbisnis kopi dan mengubah krisis menjadi peluang dengan modal ringan tanpa pinjam uang kepada ibu mertua. 

Jangan Berikan Panggung Provokator Untuk Membakar Negeri ini


Rudi S Kamri

Seperti sudah saya duga beberapa waktu lalu, bahwa pasti akan ada penunggang gelap yang ingin memperkeruh situasi pada saat negeri ini bersatu melawan penyebaran Covid-19. Aksi-aksi provokasi pasti akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan aksi rakyat kecil. Dan hari ini dugaan saya pun terbukti di daerah Tangerang dan Sukabumi. Ada beberapa setan berwujud manusia melakukan coretan vandalisme yang provokatif. 

Pada saat Presiden dan seluruh aparat negara sibuk menyelamatkan negeri ini, ada saja ulah sekelompok orang untuk untuk mengacaukan situasi darurat ini. Tujuannya jelas untuk menciptakan kegaduhan dan kerusuhan massa yang berujung pada penggulingan kekuasaan. Mereka sudah pasti mempunyai rencana yang terstruktur, sistematis dan masif. Dan saya menduga keras ini dilakukan oleh kelompok sama yang memprovokasi kerusuhan Mei 2019 pasca Pilpres lalu.

Saya hanya menyesalkan mengapa aparat intelijen kita kembali dan kembali gagal mencegah hal ini terjadi. Upaya deteksi dini dan preventif seharusnya menjadi tugas aparat intelijen negara agar kekacauan ini tidak muncul ke permukaan. Karena saat ini kondisi masyarakat seperti ilalang kering, kalau disulut di satu tempat akan menjalar ke tempat yang lain. Kelambanan aparat intelijen mencegah hal ini akan menjadi beban berat aparat Kepolisian dan TNI dalam menjaga keamanan negara.

Rakyat kecil kembali diadu domba dan dibenturkan di tataran bawah, padahal kepedulian Pemerintah terhadap kelompok terdampak pandemi Covid-19 ini sudah maksimal dilakukan. Kucuran dana Pemerintah Pusat mencapai Rp 405 trilyun, belum lagi realokasi anggaran yang dilakukan Pemerintah Daerah. Kita semua tahu bahwa apapun upaya Pemerintah tidak akan mungkin cukup, tapi setidaknya bisa menjadi fondasi jaring pengaman sosial. Apalagi beberapa kelompok masyarakat juga sudah masif melakukan Program Peduli bagi sesama saudara sebangsa.
Jokowi, Presiden Jokowi, Covid-19, Virus Corona, Corona, PSBB, Presiden Joko Widodo
Para supir Taksi yang sepi penumpang mendapatkan bantuan makan siang yang dilakukan oleh Komunitas BONA BERBAGI Warga RW 06 Taman Bona Indah, Lebak Bulus, Jakarta Selatan. Aksi ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mereka yang terdampak Covid-19 secara ekonomi daripada memprovokasi orang lain untuk berbuat kejahatan, yang akan merugikan masyarakat banyak.
Saran saya kepada aparat keamanan selain menangkap pelaku provokasi di lapangan, harus diusut tuntas perencana dan aktor intelektual dari gerakan provokasi ini. Aparat intelijen pun harus mau berbagi informasinya tentang gerakan di bawah karpet ini. Semua harus diungkap dan diberantas dengan tuntas. Jangan kasih kendor.

Saran lain, seperti yang saya sampaikan di tulisan terdahulu, aparat keamanan harus menjaga warung atau toko retail kebutuhan masyarakat seperti Indomaret, Alfamart, Circle-K dan tokoh retail lain khususnya di wilayah Jabodetabek yang masih buka sampai saat ini. Jangan sampai keamanan mereka diganggu oleh kaum pecundang. Aparat keamanan negara jangan bertindak seperti pemadam kebakaran. Harus dilaksanakan protap prevention untuk mencegah jangan sampai api keburu menyala.
Jokowi, Presiden Jokowi, Covid-19, Virus Corona, Corona, PSBB,
Aksi Peduli Covid-19 yang dilakukan KSBN (Komunitas Seni Budaya Nusantara) dengan membagikan sembako untuk warga yang terdampak secara ekonomi. Ini merupakan solidaritas sosial paling nyata daripada menjadi provokator kejahatan. 

Di sisi lain saya menghimbau kepada masyarakat Indonesia khususnya di Jabodetabek untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan dan kepedulian sosial kepada saudara atau masyarakat terdekat kita yang sedang mengalami kesulitan ekonomi. Kepedulian kita kepada sesama apalagi bisa menyentuh sampai ke keluarga akan menjadi jangkar kuat untuk mencegah rakyat kecil digunakan oleh kaum provokator untuk mengail di air keruh.

Peranan pemuka agama dari kota sampai ke kampung-kampung harus juga menjadi oase penyejuk bagi masyarakat. Apabila gerakan masyarakat ini dilakukan serentak untuk mengiringi program bansos yang sudah diberikan Pemerintah, saya yakin kita bisa mencegah hal-hal yang tidak kita inginkan.

Mudah-mudahan aktor intelektual dan kaum perencana yang memprovokasi massa bisa sadar diri. Kalau tidak mau sadar insyaallah paparan virus corona ke tubuh mereka akan menyadarkan mereka

Ya Allah, lindungi dan selamatkan bangsa dan negeri ini dari gangguan manusia berhati setan yang terkutuk. Aamiin đź™Ź

Jokowi, Presiden Jokowi, Covid-19, Virus Corona, Corona, PSBB, Presiden Joko Widodo

Rudi S. Kamri diterima Presiden Joko Widodo di Istana. 

Salam SATU Indonesia

Amanda Nurani Penjual Tahu Goreng Cantik dan Gebrakan Jokowi Luncurkan Omnibuslaw Untuk Bisnis

Sesuai janji kampanye Pilpres 2019, Presiden Joko Widodo alias Jokowi telah menyerahkan RUU Omnibuslaw yang berkaitan dengan investasi yang didalamnya mencakup peluang usaha di Indonesia. 

Peluang itu bukan hanya untuk ivestor asing atau pengusaha konglomerat Indonesia, melainkan juga kemudahan yang akan lebih bagus untuk calon pengusaha muda, generasi Z, bahkan untuk warga pasca milenial. Dengan disatukannya peraturan perundang-undangan melalui gebrakan Jokowi melalui RUU Omnibuslaw, maka siapapun bisa memulai bisnis di segala usia, terutama untuk bisnis kecil dan menengah (UMKM).

Kalau anda termasuk orang yang sudah bosan menjadi pegawai swasta atau ASN (Aparatur Sipil Negara), dan ingin punya tabungan atau pensiun yang lebih besar dengan cara jujur tanpa korupsi, kini saatnya anda keluar dari zone nyaman atau comfort zone. 

Menjadi pegawai atau karyawan dengan gaji UMR yang anda terima setiap bulan, sambil menantikan bonus dan THR memang memberi kenyamanan pada banyak orang, namun jika dikaitkan dengan adanya kebutuhan yang semakin meningkat di berbagai aspek kehidupan.
Amanda Nurani, penjual tahu, penjual tahu cantik, bisnis, Jokowi, omnibuslaw, investasi, Presiden Jokowi,
Cantik dan bekerja keras untuk masa depan. Siap keluar dari comfort zone. Anda mau ikut jejak Amanda Nurani mulai bisnis baru? (

Untuk seorang bujangan menjadi karyawan mungkin "fine fine" saja, namun setelah punya istri atau suami, lalu punya anak, maka kebutuhan pun melambung dibarengi dengan inflasi berbagai bidang, bukan hanya pangan lho. Inflasi juga akan selalu meningkat di bidang kesehatan (biaya rumah sakit dan obat), bahkan biaya pendidikan sekolah, kuliah dan yang berkaitan dengan itu. 

Lalu bagaimana caranya keluar dari comfort zone dengan mulus?

Mungkin akan timbul keraguan untuk memulai sebuah bisnis, walaupun hanya dengan modal kecil. Risiko bisnis atau tepatnya risiko gagal adalah yang paling ditakuti oleh kebanyakan para pegawai atau karyawan di Indonesia.

Namun, setelah anda menyaksikan video viral tentang seorang perempuan cantik penjual tahu goreng di sekitar stasiun MRT Haji Nawi, Jakarta Selatan, apakah anda masih takut untuk memulai sebuah bisnis seperti pengantin baru tersebut? 

Amanda Nurani, penjual tahu, penjual tahu cantik, bisnis, Jokowi, omnibuslaw, investasi, Presiden Jokowi
Amanda Nurani, cantik, cerdas dan berani membuka bisnis tahu goreng di pinggir jalan. Bagaimana dengan anda? (

Apa yang dilakukan Amanda Nurani adalah sebuah ide sederhana, tahu digoreng lalu dijual. Yang tidak sederhana adalah keberaniannya dalam mengambil risiko. Perempuan ini pasti sudah berdiskusi dengan suaminya yang juga seorang karyawan. 

Yang dilakukan oleh perempuan cantik dan tangguh ini adalah dengan menyiapkan tahu sebelum digoreng dengan racikan bumbu serta pengemasan yang apik. Senyum dan sambutan ramah kepada pelanggan adalah bagian dari marketing sederhana yang dilakukan Amanda. 

Dibalik itu semua Amanda juga sudah berancang-ancang bahwa dia akan menyiapkan tenaga kerja atau karyawan yang akan meniru cara kerjanya supaya bisa menggoreng tahu sesuai standar Amanda, begitu pula cara melayani para pelanggan. 
Amanda Nurani, penjual tahu, penjual tahu cantik, bisnis, Jokowi, omnibuslaw, investasi, Presiden Jokowi,
Senyum tulus Amanda Nurani ketika menyiapkan tahu goreng untuk para pelanggan tahu gorengnya di Stasiun MRT Haji Nawi, Jakarta (

Amanda tidak bisa hanya mengandalkan video viral tentang dirinya sebagai penjual tahu goreng dalam waktu lama. Netizen atau warganet adalah barisan mahkluk di dunia maya yang juga sering berpaling ke lain hati setelah ada video viral baru, yang mungkin lebih heboh. 

Bagaimanapun Presiden Jokowi sudah memberi dukungan melalui Omnibuslaw, sehingga anda akan lebih mudah untuk mengurus perijinan dari bisnis kecil, menengah sampai bisnis besar. Kalau anda punya keahlian di bidang teknologi dan sekaligus punya gagasan segar di bidang jasa dan produk yang lebih menarik daripada bisnis konvensional, maka anda bisa mulai usaha rintisan atau startup business. 

Kuy eh ayo mulai siapkan rencana bisnis segera sebelum anda diikat ketidaknyamanan di ruang comfort zone. 

Tips for choosing MLM business that is legitimate and profitable

 Now you be able to enjoy Financial Rewards or financial freedom and passive income from a global MLM company, and discover this opportunity now. In addition to financial freedom, you will get a free vacation or Lifestyle Rewards for free.
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Legitimate products & company plus great rewards. Image:
Are you ready to make money online and earn a real passive income? Let's maximize our laptop and our computer now. 

In this digital age, many conventional businesses that previously can now be done online, but can still be run with the old style, as well as MLM or Multi-level Marketing. As you know, there are millions of people who have enjoyed good fortune, wealth, and financial freedom for success in this business. Perhaps you have ever been invited to attend a seminar or a meeting to look at an MLM business opportunity. You may come, see, and eventually you decide to postpone to join some reason, refuse, or instantly registering.

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Fantastic compensation plan. 
You also have heard there are a lot of MLM companies that fail to reach the age of 3 years, and some even disappeared from radar in just one year. This makes people frustrated and cynical about this business. You do not necessarily have to be in the same position with this group. You always have a chance to succeed like millions of others.

So, what should you do so you can also enjoy the success of an MLM business? Let us look at some simple ways you can do before you decide to join a company with systems that use this network, which is as mentioned below:

    1.  You can join an MLM company that has been running more than 10 or 20 years, so you no longer doubt on the legality, the safety of products, and benefits such as commissions or bonuses that you can earn from the company.

    2. If you want to run both conventional MLM business and at the same time you can do it online, then make sure that you will get the official website with a user name that you can choose so that you have a website that you can use for promotion on the Internet. With a condition or requirement that through the website of the prospective business partners (referrals) you can also sign up or join through the site, and of course, anyone can purchase products online without having to visit the company's office. In short, all the process can be done online 100 percent.

f    3. If you've found an interesting the opportunity of an MLM company, you also need to pay attention to the marketing system or the compensation plan and the products offered by the company. Both the products and the marketing plan should be attractive and easy to be marketed, either conventional or online. 

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Wonderful LifeStyle Rewards for free. 

On this occasion, I want to buy a business the opportunity of a global company that has been operating internationally in five continents and has complete legality required by an MLM company, either the legality of the legal aspects of business, as well as the legality of associations MLM Company. The products of this company are also legitimate and meet the requirements set by the authority of food and beverages in the country of origin of this company, as well as in other countries where the company operates. This is very important because you have a chance to get customers, members, or referrals from all over the world.

In addition to the legality of the company and the legality of its products, then you could also consume products marketed by this company, where the product is very beneficial for health and beauty, both for women and men. You need to remember, the men are also entitled to have a face and skin healthy, as well as get the opportunity to look more simple, handsome and healthy.

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The company also offers a Lifestyle Rewards, so you can vacation and sail with a luxury cruise ship to various gorgeous towns and beautiful harbor in a world-class holiday mood. Additionally, you must have had a great chance to earn a draw with various bonuses, which will make you richer, and of course the financial freedom in the near future.

I do not want to make you feel curious too long, then please direct your finger into a sentence or title below. Please click and find your destiny now.

Great tips for Property Agent or Real Estate Agent

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Property agent. Image:
An incredible choice for a career independently, or work part-time is becoming a real estate agent or broker on a freelance basis. Perhaps you've heard of becoming an insurance agent also provide income opportunities and career path which is also great in this era. If you want to develop a career as a successful property agent, then you need to get tips and solutions as described below.

As known to qualify as a real estate agent, then, in addition, you must have a certificate of expertise in property, as well as licensing as a real estate agent, then you must pay attention to your appearance as a bona fide property agents. As described in, then you are very important to look nice and professional, is as follows:

1.    Appearance – tidy clothing, hair, accessories, makeup. It should be appropriate for your office and the local market. Avoid perfume/cologne and revealing clothing (i.e., nothing too tight, too short or too low cut).
2.    Face-to-face meetings – good eye contact, positive body language. Strive to be attentive, engaging and courteous.
3.    Marketing and advertising materials –quality photos and accurate, compelling text. Should be free of grammatical and spelling mistakes.
4.    Phone calls – articulate, engaging and courteous.
5.    Web presence – carefully planned Web site, engaging social media. Should be free of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
6.    Written communications – well-written letters, emails and texts free of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

An online media about the property, also mentioned that the real estate business can be fun, exciting, and very satisfying career. However, you have to make it through that first year or two to make it all happen down the road. Have a good plan, build a database of prospects, and work hard to find the keys to success at becoming a real estate agent.

Jean Gordon from Estate Agent Stars says that one of the biggest frustrations for people is a lack of communication from their agent. As quoted by the, Gordon says “It’s so important that agents stay in constant contact with their clients and customers. What seems like insignificant information to an agent who’s been in the business for years can be really important to clients who are new to the real estate game,”

With the sophistication of the technology in gadgets, and particularly smartphones that you have today, then you are very important to maximize on the use app for, WindowsPhone, iOS or Android, which is important to make you more successful in marketing the buildings, houses, apartments, villas or your property to potential clients or someone new. Furthermore explained that; A number of apps for iPhone and Android-based devices are available to help you stay connected while you are outside the office.
Property agent, real estate agent, property agent tips, real estate agent tips, property tips, real estate tips, marketing tips, business tips,
Real Estate agent. Image:
The also mentioned that the House Hunter app, for example, allows agents to track and compare an unlimited number of homes, using a proprietary scoring method to identify houses that best match your clients' requirements. Open Home Pro allows you to run an open house on your iPad, follow up with leads, create listing pages and export collected data to Excel or other software.

What is also very important is that you should always update your knowledge and expertise in the field of property or real estate. You also have to get along with the other property agents, perhaps you can work with them. Seminars or workshops on the property is also important to you. Meanwhile, on the Internet there are various online forums about the property or real estate. You can chat or discuss with other agents, so you'd always updated about the world of property. You ready for success? You must be rich and happy in the world of property.

Initial preparations for making money on the Internet

Do you actively use the Internet and social networking media? I am sure you must have one of the billion people on this planet who have enjoyed the convenience of the Internet. You can surf for information or shopping online. You are on the right track. If you are already familiar with E-mail, social media and the Internet, it is now time for you to benefit more from the virtual world.

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Make money online now. Image;
If in the past and now you spend money only on the cost of the Internet, then now is the time you move the bow to make the Internet as a means to earn a living. Through the Internet you can be transformed as a Netpreneur or Internet Entrepreneur. Thanks to the Internet, you can also become an entrepreneur or business online. Because the Internet is the world's largest information media and advanced, so that the Internet can be a source of income, even indefinitely. 

There is a lot of information and business opportunities on the Internet. That's why you should be careful before you decide because there are many pitfalls and deceptions in cyberspace. It is true that there are a lot of websites or online business that makes you doubt whether it can succeed or fail to get through. 

There is plenty of evidence that there are a lot of people who are deluded, deceived, and wasted time and even money, and ultimately no result at all. One reason is because of the lack of deep knowledge of technical skills and strategy to succeed online. So, what should you do so that you are free from scams or businesses that are too slow to evolve, and you can make an opportunity to make money online?

The first step you should do is make preparations. This stage is very important and you must do so because as initial capital for business success online. The following information is preliminary preparation before you undergo a successful online business so that you, as outlined below:

Smart tips for e-commerce and online business

Do you have enjoyed the enormity of online business? If you are serious, you can make money by making use of the website or the Internet. Global sales of e-commerce business to consumer (B2C) is expected to reach US$ 1.5 trillion in 2014. The rapid development of the online business is driven by the tremendous growth of users of smartphones and tablets, increased trust in e-commerce, and emerging payment methods, safe delivery, and innovative packaging.
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Start your online business now. Image:

If you want to take advantage of the wave of e-commerce, then as the online seller or prospective seller must understand how to optimize their business in order to compete in the e-commerce industry is growing rapidly and dynamically. Now you can get some smart tips, which can help sellers be more successful.

Just as in conventional business strategy, then in your online business is very important to know what you want to achieve and how to achieve your targets you want in your business plan.

The E-commerce market is changing very rapidly, it is important to have a flexible semi-annual plan, and also have a backup plan if the market suddenly changed. Even so, make a new plan only part of the steps that need to be done. To really understand whether you can get real results, and soon reached break-even, then there must be a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are set and monitored.

How to carry out the marketing strategies for businesses on the Internet

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Maximizing your laptop to create a marketing strategy.

Each of the products and services is need sales with a proper marketing strategy. Since the boom of various businesses on the Internet, it is also a growing number of conventional businesses that create a website to promote their products and services online. 

They want widely known nationally, and even globally. However, there is always a difference in our perspective on consumer behavior.
Online consumers are different from offline consumers. They might be the same people, but the screen and the distance make a huge difference to the way they approach your product and the ways in which you can approach them.

IPU is a new way of getting income online

Have you got the information to make money in a legal way in the Internet? Now you can count on the IPU (Idle Processor Utilization Services). Let’s make money online.

Are you ready to make money online?

Get your complete information as described below:

The LEGITIMATE means to make money from your idle computer time!

You never have to invest a penny to make money at Idle Processor Utilization Services. When it is released, simply download the small Processor application, let it run in the background, and use your computer as you normally would. You will never know it is there, unless you want to view it to see what your pay rate is, information on your referrals/downline are, etc. You never have to do a thing if you do not want to, and you will still earn money.But there is a higher level available; a Division Account Manager.

Discover: Idle Processor Utilization Services Plan:

Some important factors to consider before you build your own business

Young entrepreneur, business, build a business, business empire
Young Entrepreneur. Image:
Do you have a dream to build a business for your future? Businesses not only need money as capital, but there are some important things you need to analyze carefully.  How to achieve success when you want to build your own business empire?

Perhaps you would like to be a young entrepreneur or a successful business woman. You certainly can, if you realy want it.

Building a business that is analogous to sail. When we sailed, we must take into account wind conditions. If the wind is moving in the direction that we want, then it will make our ships to reach the goal, but if the wind movement is not in accordance with what we expect, with the ability of a good sailor, then we keep the ship will arrive at destination.

Tips to become an Entrepreneur

Tips and solution to become an Entrepreneur in any age

Are you a young person, who has business talent? Is it always true talent is an asset to be a successful entrepreneur successful in the future? There is a successful businessman from Indonesia named Bob Sadino says that entrepreneurs do not need to be smart (genius). He said in a statement that to be successful you must have the courage to act instead of just thinking it.
Young entrepreneur, start a new business, successful business, profit
Young businessmenImage:

To start a business can be done by anyone either old people or by young children who recently graduated high school and graduates fresh from university or college. Basically, you have to have a strong willingness to take steps to do so later you succeed, and have to take the risk.

 Here are some tips that you can try and for your reference: Here are some tips that you can try and for your reference:

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